Hey!!! I thought I'd share a few pictures from the library mini comic con that I was a part of yesterday!! We saw a great turn out and had a great time!!
I chose not to dress up this year, and I didn't even have anyone take a picture of me the whole day wearing my "Kiki's Delivery Service" shirt... But my sisters cosplayed as Elsa and Anna and did a boss job with it!!
I had my caricature drawn, which I was super excited about!!! I never have had anyone draw me before, so this was a nice change, LOL!!! ^^ (And I had to wait in line for an hour to have mine done!! She was a popular lady!! )
The most popular event of the afternoon (besides the Cosplay contest) was the panel on "Cosplay and Conventions 101", given by two local young ladies that have been to several comic cons. They did a great job explaining everything and had a fabulous turn out for their talk!!! I didn't get to hear the whole thing, because I was getting ready for my segment, but what I did hear was explained very well and in an exciting way!!
I decided to do a tutorial on some basics of coloring. I didn't allot myself enough time to get through the whole thing, but we covered the basics of skin tone at least. I had a nice little group attend, and then afterwards, we judged the Cosplay contest. =-)
It was a fun day, but just those few hours wiped me out, LOL!!! I'm not sure I could make it at the real events like some people do.. xD
I'm excited to be attending the second comic con at Millersburg Public Library this Saturday, the 16th!!! It's my first time attending, but their second year doing one, and from what I've seen on their web page, it looks like it will be a fun event!! I'll be spending most of my day tomorrow getting all my print outs together to take with me there!!
I've been working on a few originals to sell, and I'm taking some of those on Saturday. I'm also working on the poster for the theater's Christmas show, and finishing up a custom order of notecards!!! But since it was a busy week, I took some time today to work on roughing out the sketch for the poster and then I did some more watercolor on my Cleopatra piece. I'm excited to keep adding more princess to this "Royal Diaries" series as I read through some of the books again. I'd love to make these a note card or mini poster collection once I've compiled several!!
Hope it's been a great week for all!!
-Stasia-Chan '16
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