Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I don't have a title for this blog post.  

To be honest, I'm not even sure why I have a blog...?  Blogging kind of seems to be "out". You don't really see many people keeping up the fad these days. I personally just don't take the time to keep up with more than one or two blogs I follow... anymore when I get online to check social media and email, that's about all I can take and I just want to get off of everything!!!  (Seriously. My DA account and Tumblr have not been updated with new art in forever, and I'm not really sure why I still have them... Hmmm.)

But, every now and then, I like to blog. There's something comforting about sitting down and clicking away on the keyboard, random thoughts like these ones today. 

So, here's what's been going on artistically: 

1.)  I was in a slump again for awhile... Yeah. I think it was an honest period of life being crazy and busy and I really didn't have time to sit down and draw like I wanted, and when I did have the time, I was just too tired or couldn't focus on what it was I wanted to do. I think I'm over it now... mostly because I told myself I wasn't going to let my summer get crazy busy so that I could specifically focus on some art projects, and I want to make myself stick to that!!!   So this week, I'm catching up on some concepts for my Fifties project... I have sketched a few things, but I'm mostly focused on catching up coloring things in that have been sitting in my sketchbook forever. Coloring concepts make them seem more like a reality, like the whole idea seems to come together once you start seeing it in color.  

2.)   My biggest problem as an artist (well, my personal biggest problem) is that I get an idea in my head, and I want to rush it along, right NOW. I seem to have this mindset of "If it doesn't happen now and doesn't take off now then that must mean it's not meant to be and never going to take off". That's a really crummy attitude to have, because anything worth doing takes time to do WELL. In the past, I have jumped into things so many times without thinking, and all I produced was really yucky looking art that, looking back, I'm humiliated that it ever even happened, or that someone bought it... I don't have to produce a 150 page manga, in published form by tomorrow. It's OK to take my time and really think about what I want for this project! 

3.)  I have two library comic cons coming up in the same week, so I'm working out the ideas for that and also the art I'll be displaying. Probably some of my nicer works from last year and maybe a few things from this year. They mostly want fan art at these things, and I feel like I haven't really produced scads of that this year (so far) because I've been working on commissions or fifties stuff. I may get to sell chibi commissions for a few dollars this time, so that would be a fun addition to what I've done for these in the past! 

4.)   I need to up my selling game. I'm not good at cranking out stuff to sell on a consistent basis. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I do have a life outside of art, and sometimes when I sit down to draw after a busy time, working on something that I have to sell just doesn't appeal to me. I'm also super bad about having to part with the stuff I make.... xD   And I feel like I'm awkward at dealing with customers. I'm terrible at sticking with prices, trying to not undersell myself while keeping in mind that times are tough for people and that a sale is blessing. But then when I sit down and realize I still need several refills for my Copics... I realize I need to get busy cranking out something on a semi-consistent basis to keep my supplies stocked. So I'm trying to come up with some better ideas and a schedule of what I can make without feeling swamped or unhappy about producing, and what I would like to make on a monthly basis that can go back into my art supplies. 

That's about it, just some things I've been mulling over the last few days. I've been feeling a little down this week and trying to not let that affect my art work. But I feel like getting some of these ideas rolling or worked out will help in the long run.    =-) 

-Stasia-Chan '16 

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