Thursday, February 12, 2015


Hello!!   Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by!  ^^

My name is Anastasia Merritt. I am a stay at home wife and mother of one, but I also love to draw and art!!  ^^  My passion lies in manga style art, but I love the kawaii art style and cartooning as well. My methods in art are traditional, meaning, I'm old school and still push a pencil around paper to achieve what I hope is something that looks nice to you.  ;-)

I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now, it was just a matter of finding the time to do so.  With this blog, I hope to share with you some of my own methods and helps in the kind of art that I do, as well as some of my recent works and ways to stay in touch with me, if by some chance, this blog fails to be updated as often as I hope to...   ^^;

Once this is a bit more established, I also hope to have some of my artist friends host or share a blog post with me on this page!  I see lots of more professional type artists do this.. i.e., painters, photographers, etc.. but I've never personally seen such from manga/cartoon artists such as myself. And so this is something I'm excited about doing in the future!!  

I hope to update here about every other week, but I will plan to do a more detailed blog posting this weekend, since this is just my "welcome" post.  =-) 

Hope you will keep in touch through my posts!!!  Have a creative day!!  ^^

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started an art blog! I look forward to reading your posts. I think you have some great ideas for posts especially with talking about your own process and collaborating with other artists.
    -Robyn :)
