Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

This would have made for a lengthy Facebook post, and I haven't posted on here for awhile, so seems like it all works out!!    =-)

I just wanted to write and say, a genuine THANK YOU to everyone that has been a supporter of my art in 2015. The artistic opportunities I have had this year were mind boggling, certainly ones I never would have seen myself being asked to do. Donating art baskets for the community, having my art displayed at the library, teaching two more classes at the library's teen anime program and being asked to participate in their comic con,  and all the commissions I was asked to do this year!!!  It's the first year that I sold my art out of state (went to New Jersey, all because someone from tumblr commissioned me!!),  and I had my biggest ever order that I worked on over the last two months, which included Christmas cards and several 8x10 drawings. I am certainly not saying any of this to brag or boast... I am completely humbled, and it is only because of people believing in me and liking the kind of art that I do that makes it possible. I have the lowest self confidence ever, and so when people ask for my work specifically, it completely boggles my mind. I never take it for granted, and it makes me want to work harder to put all of my heart into the work I create.

Thank you for being a fan, for being a customer, for being a friend. Thank you for your support of my art in 2015!!!

Many wishes for a blessed Christmas!!!

-Stasia-Chan '15